
Another post about YAML

Looks like I am not the only one who finds YAMLs ideocracies painful. More and more I tend to lean on JSON or TOML. Unfortunately,…

10 years of web development; 10 life lessons.

Ten years ago (2009) the economic recession was in full swing. Every week another bank would collapse, millions of homes would go into foreclosure proceedings,…

PI Hole, when you’re tired of being the product; block the requests.

The web in 2018 is a mess. Sites wanting to send you desktop alerts, know your location, advert after advert, live chat on every site, GDPR…

Sam Kyle’s “No Matter What You Work For Yourself “

I wish I was a good of a writer as Sam Kyle. Short, to the point, opinionated, driven. The link goes to his there most…

The cost of scaling up.

In my time s working in the software realm I have worked on projects of various sizes. Local bands wanting a web presence, user generated…