The cost of scaling up.

In my time s working in the software realm I have worked on projects of various sizes. Local bands wanting a web presence, user generated…

Deleting an AWS API Gateway resource.

Because it is not well documented in the AWS docs herein is how you delete an AWS API Gateway resource. Click on the end point…

Parallel bash process execution.

Ever do something in bash and wish you could do it in parallel? Checkout this excellent article by Bash Prompt. One use case I can think…

And end of an era. My time with Sourcetoad is coming to a close.

My time is soon coming to an end with the Sourcetoad team. It has been an amazing four years. From scruffy startup to respectable dev…

Tutorial: Using Docker_Puppeteer_Jest to execute a headless Chrome End-to-End (user/acceptance) testing suites.

The problem: We know that unit testing is an essential part of software engineering (at least we should all know that). Integration testing assure us…

Run your End-to-End tests using headless Chrome; Docker_Puppeteer_Jest Docker Image is announced!

About a year ago myself and @ibotpeaces sat down for a couple hours to to put together a docker images with headless Chrome that we…

Today, today is a good day.

Yesterday I sat for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. It’s been nearly 6 months of studying, little gaming, much less beer, and far fewer trips. But…

Core software principles and design patterns.

Inspired by a recent conversation with a peer I decided to get together a list of 10 resources concerning software as a whole. Both for…

Inspiration for your day:

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself” Franklin D. Roosevelt First Inaugural Address. That said, whatever you’re afraid of, it is not nearly as…

OWASP end of year round up

Excellent article discussing the top 10 application vulnerabilities. Given this year has seen Equifax, US Military, and a number of other organizations fail there job…