An interesting article about P/React and web application performance.

Check it out, good read and a solid real world example of how proper usage of progressive web applications can make and save your organization…

Docker nginx-proxy round robin…

So we use docker for container services at work. One container that is part of our ‘dev’ tools is an nginx reverse proxy tied to…

Economy of Scale: when big is a waste.

Some short musings. I was thinking about why larger organizations tend to be less ‘agile’ or ‘nimble’ than smaller organizations. Even though larger organizations are…

Hackathons…an honest opinion.

When taken as a hole a hackathon is a marketing, networking, and possibly hiring event. Engineers and developers of all levels attend with the award of getting…

Have we just replaced `Dependency Hell` for a `Hell of a lot of Dependency`?

While recently working with a frontend engineer it struck me that the most basic of applications have massive amounts of dependencies. Specifically React configured as…

A prime example of why automated testing works…

Today I got to a change request that read something to the order of ‘move all this code from place X, the new namespace Y.…

Is the argument of ‘application portability’ a valid one for containerization?

Preface: I am a huge supporter of containerized distributed applications. It give me all sorts of nerd good feelings. One of the biggest arguments for…

Some news from AWS…

…as of now(ish) all AWS accounts get a rolling 7 days of CloutTrail functionality as part of the free tier! While not helpful to business…

Out of the box performance: PHP + PDO + MariaDB

Backstory: Another week, another evening at the Pub with some friends and colleges. Somehow or the other we got on the topic of database insert performance…

AWS Lambda and automated testing (pt2).

Opps; forgot to circle back to this… So we finally got it working. Local and Jenkins automated testing that couples with Lambda for media processing!…