Run your End-to-End tests using headless Chrome; Docker_Puppeteer_Jest Docker Image is announced!

About a year ago myself and @ibotpeaces sat down for a couple hours to to put together a docker images with headless Chrome that we could use for End-to-End (user acceptance) testing. At the time the tooling of both Docker and Jest where not at a place at we could get a POC (proof of concept) functional give the constants of the process being a container service, easy integration into existing projects, and using a well adopted JavaScript testing framework.

Google Chrome
Google Chrome






Fast forward to March 2018 and not only has the containerization tooling but advanced significantly but also the headless Chrome control systems. As such I sat down once gain to look into this tool chain. I am happy to announce `Docker Puppeteer Jest‘ docker image. As the name suggests running the image will spin up a headless Chrome instance, controlled by Puppeteer that triggers Jest test suites. Outputting both terminal response and image captures if so instructed.

Checkout the image on the Docker Hub or the repo on GitHub. Let me know what you think or if you find it useful. I’d love to hear from you.


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