4 part Javascript module by Benny Powers

Benny Powers over on Dev.to has put together an excellent series centering around the concept of Javascript modules. I am not a frontend (browser) engineer by trade but this article series makes it seem that the low level JS ecosystem has embraced some very important conceptual logical divisions and organizational recommendations.

Where as languages like PHP, GoLang, C#, etc has had to concept of
independent modular libraries that work across the language landscape in a predictable manner. It also seems that since the Ecmascript spec’s of 2015  coupled with the recent releases of the top 3 (React, Vue, Angular) JS frameworks have adopted a similar mentality.

Looks like a legit JS app code architecture.

Checkout the 4 part article series on dev.to

I hope you find Benny’s series as informative and helpful as I did. Leave a comment below on topics you would like to see more information about.