Category: Community

Why Cutting Costs Is Expensive
A really good article by Eric Elliott over on Medium centering on cost cutting, project management, and the tragically large impact of “penny-wise dollar|euro|pound foolish”.…

How the Internet was Stolen by Then & Now
I look at the history of the internet, from ARPANET & NSFNET, through privatization, to Tim-Berners Lee, Yahoo, Netscape, Google, eBay, and Facebook, examining Microsoft’s…

Turns out, Hashicorp is a garbage organization.
TL;DR: Hashicorp send DMCA to OpenTofu group accusing them of duplicating copyrighted code. Turns out Hashicorp copied the code to look like OpenTofu. All of…

OpenTofu Stable Release Available Now!
The OpenTofu team has annouced the general availability of 1.6. This is a drop in replacement of Terraform. Checkout the release, getting-starting, and migration guide;…

Tooling: IAM Legend
AWS IAM actions autocomplete, documentation and wildcard resolution for Visual Studio Code. Supports Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, CloudFormation and Terraform. This extension come from Sebastian Bille over…

Do you use Terraform via AWS Service Catalog?
Saw this in my news feed yesterday. Another material impact to the user base due to Hashicorps license change of Terraform. If you use Terraform…

Companies need to stop abusing the Open Source Community
Atlassian, Docker, Hashicorp, Mongo, Redis, and the list goes on, all abusing the open source community to gain market share then rug-pulls a license change…

AWS announces the ability for different user/pass from
Got this email less than 30 minutes ago; hopefully this is the first in many step to separate AWS and Amazon operations entirely.

Re-post: The YAML document from hell.
Re-posting an article by Ruud van Asseldonk discussing the pitfalls of YAML. For what it is worth, I am firmly on team extend JSON with…
`DevOps is a failure` by Lee Briggs
A brief article regarding the failure of DevOps; with an offering of a new, more focused, replacement.
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