Category: General

Why Cutting Costs Is Expensive
A really good article by Eric Elliott over on Medium centering on cost cutting, project management, and the tragically large impact of “penny-wise dollar|euro|pound foolish”.…

Another post about YAML
Looks like I am not the only one who finds YAMLs ideocracies painful. More and more I tend to lean on JSON or TOML. Unfortunately,…

Using YAML aliases to DRY your configurations
When projects reach any level of complexity the ability to change the projects configuration arises. Often YAML is used as a human and machine readable…

AWS announces the ability for different user/pass from
Got this email less than 30 minutes ago; hopefully this is the first in many step to separate AWS and Amazon operations entirely.

Re-post: The YAML document from hell.
Re-posting an article by Ruud van Asseldonk discussing the pitfalls of YAML. For what it is worth, I am firmly on team extend JSON with…

Goodbye LastPass; Hello BitWarden.
The password manager service LastPass has had a rough go of it lately. The breaches in the closing months of last year has shaken confidence…
How Cloud Computing Transformed Leading Industries
(Today’s article comes to us via Artur Meyster from .) Cloud computing has been around for over a decade, taking over many aspects of…

How To: Run multiple commands on Linux; but in parallel!
The Situation In the world of computing being able to execute multiple commands at the same time is a big deal. Even early operating system…

Opinion: Bad pay-wall implementations and how to get around them.
Like ’em or hate ’em paywalls have been around since the early days of the web. And from the business perspective I fully understand why…

Intro: k3s, a less needy Kubernetes.
What is all this? The official documentation states “…k3s is a intended to be a fully compliant production-grade Kubernetes distribution with [the following] changes…”. But…
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