Tag: IaC

OpenTofu Stable Release Available Now!
The OpenTofu team has annouced the general availability of 1.6. This is a drop in replacement of Terraform. Checkout the release, getting-starting, and migration guide;…

Tooling: IAM Legend
AWSÂ IAMÂ actions autocomplete, documentation and wildcard resolution for Visual Studio Code. Supports Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, CloudFormation and Terraform. This extension come from Sebastian Bille over…

Release: OptOut of data gathering used to AI/ML by AWS
In response to an article published by Corey Quinn coupled with my personal dislike of big-corps using my action to profit I put together a…

Do you use Terraform via AWS Service Catalog?
Saw this in my news feed yesterday. Another material impact to the user base due to Hashicorps license change of Terraform. If you use Terraform…

OpenTofu first release and Office Hours.
The OpenTofu team has released an alpha release of OpenTofu adn well as published the first Office Hours call. I expect great things form OpenTofu;…

Tofu is the future of Terraform
As the fall out from Hashicorp’s rug-pull of a license change to Terraform continues to unfold the community has done what many of us saw…

My thoughts on the HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification
One persons thoughts on the Hashicorp Terraform Associate certification.

FIX: Terraform "Error: Run variables are currently not supported"
Recently I had to create a new workspace on an existing project to test some new functionality. So I create the workspace and run the…

Tagging with Terraform
Using cloud resources can be accelerating to the business, liberating to the engineering teams, and expensive to bank account. If you have every left a…

FIX: Terraform + AWS: InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault
While working with Terraform and AWS recently I ran into an error that did not seem to have much information about it. After about a…