10 years of web development; 10 life lessons.

Ten years ago (2009) the economic recession was in full swing. Every week another bank would collapse, millions of homes would go into foreclosure proceedings,…

Review: DevOpsDays Tampa Bay

DevOpsDays, the headliner conference series in the realm of DevOps, had i'ts first ever Florida event.

How to fix “failed to delete stack: Role … is invalid or cannot be assumed”

How to fix the "failed to delete stack: Role [...] is invalid or cannot be assumed " error when using AWS CloudFormation.

Using `shellcheck` to lint your bash/sh scripts.

Being involved in technology, specifically web, it does not take long we have to write a bash (or shell) script.

What’s the difference: A/B Testing VS Blue/Green Deployment?

In today's technology world many words and phrases come and go and even change meaning depending on the context. In this article we look at…