Author: David
Jorge Silva’s `9 Common Dockerfile Mistakes`…
Good article if you are getting into container services. 9 Common Dockerfile Mistakes
Finding the motivation to complete.
It happens to all of us. We get a awesome idea, a world changer, an industry changer even. We plan it out, using some fancy…
12 Reasons To Avoid Individual Code Ownership by Lorenzo Pasqualis
A follow up to the 9 points posted yesterday, Lorenzo Pasqualis is an author I’ll be following going forward. 12 Reasons To Avoid Individual Code Ownership
Yet another great article
You know, I might as well just add into my RSS feed. Really really great articles over there these last few weeks. 9 Software…
Any interesting piece on the state of the the software industery.
Blaine Osepchuk over on has an interesting counterpoint to Uncle Bob’s rip on the Atlantic’s article concerning software in safety critical usages. It is…
Double down Friday! Another good article about learning Vim in 4 weeks…not saying I -will-, just saying you -can-.
If you are so inclined to be a vim uber like James LaChance ;).
When you think you have it rough…this person learned programming, solo, in rural Uruguay.
Sometime we take the most basic of things for granted. Stable dependable internet, phone system, traffic control, having more than 50cents a day for food.…
Package release announcement. Auto-Gourcer (Repository visualizer)
I’ve always had a soft spot for visualizations. Info-graphics, animations, the the like. One specific tool I came across years back is Gource. Finally got…
Input, mutate, output…pretty much explains everything.
As a person with many hobbies I often find myself trying to take a situation I am not familiar with and compare it to something…
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