Category: Programming
Yii2 Database Schema Builder…o, thank you!
Came across this in the Yii2 news feeds. Built on Gii it is a UI for building out the database schema. Think MySQL Workbench /…
Checkout my latest OSS contribution!
A very early alpha release but as I am a fan of the command bus design pattern I thought this would be a nice addition: GiutHub, Download,…
Yii2 hasOne vs hasMany param order
hasOne() * * public function getCountry() * { * return $this->hasOne(Country::className(), ['id' => 'country_id']); * } * hasMany() * * public function getOrders() * {…
I’m no javascript Guru, so this helped me out.
Just an article I came across that defines makes JS callbacks in a understandable, yet detailed, way:
Yii2 and bower/asset: jquery.inputmask AfterAction report…
So last week Im working along and I run composer install … to get a new framework installation to while trying to track down a bug.…
Going in circles…
…ever try to write something when your brain is not firing on all 8? I recently had all of my wisdom teeth pulled during the same visit…
Yii2 AR SQL Verbs; Y-U-SO-WEIRD?
Yii2 being an active record style DB abstraction AND needing to support a wide range of database technologies facilitated creating the standard insert / select…
Shameless Self Promotion: Presenting during Tampa Bay PHP’s May meetup! Update: Video is up on youtube at .
Why basic data structure knowledge is important.
Today while working through an issue ticket we came across a situation where console.log() was printing out a rounded variation of an integer. The server…
Refactoring array index magic number with class constant.
During a code review my peer Michal Mazur turned me onto the follow example; I have to say I am really digging it: Array Index as…