Category: PHP

Is Swoole the best of both worlds? Golang inspired PHP server with coroutine, channels, defer, et al.
These days async programming is all the rage. It is no surprise when a language community publishes another library or runtime to support the async…

How Much Faster is PHP 7.3 by Stefan Mischook
Stefan Mischook over on YouTube sat down to describe the how much faster and efficient PHP 7.3 has been for his project Studio Web. It…

Just how effective is web server caching? Very.
Learn how to setup a high load CMS for less than the cost of lunch.

PHP 5 End of Life is upon us; why you should care.
PHP 5 is reaching end of life. Find out what this means to you and your organization if you rely on a PHP 5 application…

Package Release Announcement: Normie
Announcing the immediate beta release of my most recent PHP package: Normie.

5 PHP Tools to make your life more enjoyable.
Tools; they can make your life amazingly productive or hellishly frustrating. Over the past decade I have had the privilege to use a wide…
PHP serverless abstraction framework…
…as serverless architecture picks up steam in the market I predict we will see more and more languages adopting it; is not whole sale from…
Yii2 2.0.14 released; bringing with it some excellent changes.
The Yii2 team has release the latest version of the Yii2 framework. With it comes improvements in the following (but not limited to) areas: Scalability…
My presentation at SunshinePHP 2018:
Here at SunshinePHP 2017 I did a presentation on automating the code QA process. Find the slides here:
RE-post: My personal experience migrating a module rom Yii1.x to Yii2.x
(Originally posted on the Sourcetoad Blog circa 20015) Yii is an amazing framework. As it has been iterated on version 2 is now out and…
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