Yii2 2.0.14 released; bringing with it some excellent changes.

The Yii2 team has release the latest version of the Yii2 framework. With it comes improvements in the following (but not limited to) areas: Scalability…

RE-post: My personal experience migrating a module rom Yii1.x to Yii2.x

(Originally posted on the Sourcetoad Blog circa 20015) Yii is an amazing framework. As it has been iterated on version 2 is now out and…

Yii2-starter-kit update…and shameless plug.

  A project I heavily rely on these days recently got some updates. Shameless plug: I was kinda  a part of a bunch of them.…

PSA: Do not use Codeception DB and Yii2 modules together…

…specifically the Yii2: ORM and DB module and transactions. The Yii2 $I->seeRecord() & related methods do NOT use the same connection ID as the DB…

Did a thing today, ‘nother new package.

New Package: Stripe + CommandBus + Yii2 I got tired of writing out the entire Stripe class requirements coupled with the need to trigger stripe events…

Yii2 Database Schema Builder…o, thank you!

Came across this in the Yii2 news feeds. Built on Gii it is a UI for building out the database schema. Think MySQL Workbench /…

Yii2 hasOne vs hasMany param order

hasOne() * * public function getCountry() * { * return $this->hasOne(Country::className(), ['id' => 'country_id']); * } * hasMany() * * public function getOrders() * {…

Yii2 AR SQL Verbs; Y-U-SO-WEIRD?

Yii2 being an active record style DB abstraction AND needing to support a wide range of database technologies facilitated creating the standard insert / select…

Quick little thing.

Was sad to see Yii2’s getOldAttributes() did not have to ability to limit based on a provided array; whereas getAttributes() does take an array to…