Category: S3

How to: Host an secure, serverless high performance static website in AWS
The Situation In todays internet website hosting complexity goes from simple to complex very quickly. With the multitude of requirements scaling from just a webpage…

Bye bye s3fs-fuse, hello S3 Mountpoint
AWS recently released Mount point for S3 into general availability. The TL;DR is the ability to mount an S3 bucket as a Linux volume. In…

Mounting non us-east-1 AWS based S3 bucket into an EC2 instance
The Problem AWS S3 is a global service for storing block data; however, when using a bucket as a file system is can be confusing…

How to: AWS Service Endpoint for S3 / DynamoDB
This Again? A few months back I published an article reviewing the different ways to pass traffic between a Lambda in a private subnet and…
`Investigating AWS Pricing over Time` by Thomas Vachon
Over at stayclassyinternet Thomas did a write up on the AWS pricing over time; specifically focused on S3 as it has been a consistent service available…
AWS Lambda, S3, and VPC
Found this awesome bit of information floating around the internet:
The `aws s3 sync` command…
From the manual: ‘Syncs directories and S3 prefixes. Recursively copies new and updated files from the source directory to the destination. Only creates folders in…