Thanks for the Swag

The kind people over at saw my post a couple weeks back and hooked me up with some sweet swag. Thank you! Checkout the…

PI Hole, when you’re tired of being the product; block the requests.

The web in 2018 is a mess. Sites wanting to send you desktop alerts, know your location, advert after advert, live chat on every site, GDPR…

Sam Kyle’s “No Matter What You Work For Yourself “

I wish I was a good of a writer as Sam Kyle. Short, to the point, opinionated, driven. The link goes to his there most…

5 PHP Tools to make your life more enjoyable.

  Tools; they can make your life amazingly productive or hellishly frustrating. Over the past decade I have had the privilege to use a wide…

Terraform 0.12 Preview from Hashicorp

Hashicorp has release a preview of the up coming Terraform 0.12 release. The announcement post covers a number of topics; from improvements to the HCL…

Ethernet, 30 years old and still rockin’.

Can you name a peice of computer hardware with a 30 year history in computing? I can: Ethernet. ILJITSCH VAN BEIJNUM over at Ars Technica…

Added Disqus commenting ability.

After the success of the Gatling article, and the understandable dislike of the default comment system, I decided to give Disqus a try. Please leave…

Gatling, a load testing tool with a difference.

Gatling allows the user (developer/operator) to record a series of actions in the browser of choosing. At the tempo of a real user, multiple steps,…

First impressions of Cypress; one word: amazing.

Found testing automation tool called Cypress for use with end-to-end (acceptance/user) testing. Tagged as `Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser`.…

Great article on Pull Requests

`Anatomy of a perfect pull request` over at is a great article that touches on what it is that makes a PR a good…