`Cert Mode`

So I heard an interesting phrase from a networking engineering buddy of mine: ‘Cert Mode’. You can typically tell when someone is in ‘Cert Mode’…

Local user groups: get out more than you put in.

Here in the Tampa bay area we have user groups. Some are small, some are large, some are new, some are long running. But no matter…

AWS Lambda, S3, and VPC

Found this awesome bit of information floating around the internet: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-access-resources-in-a-vpc-from-your-lambda-functions/

When removing an orphans is bad…

So Docker creates containers, when you stop these containers the container still exists it is simply stopped. And then we create more containers…and more containers…and…

AWS Lambda and automated testing.

So as you can see from my previous posts I recently developed a AWS Lambda function that pulls data from S3, processes it, and updates…

Advice for Professional Developers by Adam Culp

#1 Stop blaming companies for bad code you wrote. Yes there are influences, but it was YOU who created it, not them. #2 Stop blaming…

The pain with AWS Lambda…

…I realize I am a bit new the AWS platform and some things are just impossible, but here is the desired work flow: POST/PUT image…

Where should tests live?

…came across this conversation this evening. Interesting topic abut where tests logic should live. https://dev.to/rtfeldman/where-should-tests-live

The `aws s3 sync` command…

From the manual: ‘Syncs directories and S3 prefixes. Recursively copies new and updated files from the source directory to the destination. Only creates folders in…

The down side of micro-service architecture…

…so at my employ we are attempting to deploy a micro-service style application and thus enjoy all the new hotness that comes with it. The…