Quick little thing.

Was sad to see Yii2’s getOldAttributes() did not have to ability to limit based on a provided array; whereas getAttributes() does take an array to…

Write about my place of employment (all the stories are true).

While I’m not explicitly pictured in the gallery I did have a direct hand in many of the software solutions solutions mentioned in the article.…

emoji as variable names…

…during a short discussion today with a peer we found this little tool: https://mothereff.in/js-variables . I was all like AHA! I have an idea! Sadly though…

A little fun with gource

Every year my employer has a holiday party. This past year I rendered out all the projects we had worked on and put them in…

PHP str_word_count’s and validating base64 strings…

Recently I had to validate a string that is was indeed a base64 string and it was indeed an encoded allowable image type. Between str_word_count’s…

`Cert Mode`

So I heard an interesting phrase from a networking engineering buddy of mine: ‘Cert Mode’. You can typically tell when someone is in ‘Cert Mode’…

Local user groups: get out more than you put in.

Here in the Tampa bay area we have user groups. Some are small, some are large, some are new, some are long running. But no matter…

AWS Lambda, S3, and VPC

Found this awesome bit of information floating around the internet: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-access-resources-in-a-vpc-from-your-lambda-functions/

When removing an orphans is bad…

So Docker creates containers, when you stop these containers the container still exists it is simply stopped. And then we create more containers…and more containers…and…

AWS Lambda and automated testing.

So as you can see from my previous posts I recently developed a AWS Lambda function that pulls data from S3, processes it, and updates…