Category: Continuous Integration

Top 5 articles from my blog from 2018
Automated Testing
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Deployment
Continuous Integration
Load Testing
2018 has been an eventful year for me personally. Here's the top 5 most popular articles from 2018.

What’s the difference: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment.
DevOps has a bunch of terms, many of which are mixed up, misused, or just plain wrongly defined. Here we break down three of the…
Tutorial: Using Docker_Puppeteer_Jest to execute a headless Chrome End-to-End (user/acceptance) testing suites.
The problem: We know that unit testing is an essential part of software engineering (at least we should all know that). Integration testing assure us…
Run your End-to-End tests using headless Chrome; Docker_Puppeteer_Jest Docker Image is announced!
About a year ago myself and @ibotpeaces sat down for a couple hours to to put together a docker images with headless Chrome that we…