AWS & Terraform

How to: AWS Service Endpoints via Terraform for fun and profit

Recently I found myself designing a system that had AWS Lambda functions inside a private VPC. But I needed to pass a payload from the…

PHP serverless abstraction framework…

…as serverless architecture picks up steam in the market I predict we will see more and more languages adopting it; is not whole sale from…

AWS Lambda internals

Ran and Nitzan over at epsagon did a two part article on Medium about  AWS Lambda and its internals / runtime environment. It is a pretty…

AWS Lambda and automated testing (pt2).

Opps; forgot to circle back to this… So we finally got it working. Local and Jenkins automated testing that couples with Lambda for media processing!…

AWS Lambda, S3, and VPC

Found this awesome bit of information floating around the internet:

AWS Lambda and automated testing.

So as you can see from my previous posts I recently developed a AWS Lambda function that pulls data from S3, processes it, and updates…

The pain with AWS Lambda…

…I realize I am a bit new the AWS platform and some things are just impossible, but here is the desired work flow: POST/PUT image…