What I learned from the 2018 JetBrains Developer ecosystem survey…

  JetBrains, like many other organizations, doe a yearly survey for anyone willing to take a couple minutes and submit some answers. As such all…

Hehe, this is amazing…

Found this page during mu morning Twitter read-through. Simple, straight to the point, entertaining. Maybe one day your repo could be on here too. https://www.gitstartracker.com/

PHP serverless abstraction framework…

…as serverless architecture picks up steam in the market I predict we will see more and more languages adopting it; is not whole sale from…

Sharing some resources.

Awesome List is a curated list of resource you may find awesome; I know I have found is very helpful for a number of topics.


Google put together an article and a nice set of videos explaining DevOps and SREs. It’s a bit…cheeky but to the point and not techno-babble…

AWS Lambda internals

Ran and Nitzan over at epsagon did a two part article on Medium about  AWS Lambda and its internals / runtime environment. It is a pretty…

Want to host your own Git service? GitLab a bit to heavy weight? Checkout Gitea.

Came across this self hosted Git service today. Yes GitLab is amazing but also very complicated and large. Requiring a 4Gb RAM system to operate…

`git stash` magic

Srebalaji Thirumalai over on dev.to has a nice write up covering git stash and the many amazing things it can do.  Check it out.

NoSQL search results in MICRO-seconds; via AWS’s new DynamoDB Accelerator.

If you have a noSQL data store and need the fast machine possible response time; check this out: Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) Regional Expansion “…Using…

Resources for Javascript devs, understand how it works on the inside

During my daily reading cycle I came across this aggregate of Javascript resources. Nice list of content for reading and understanding how Javascript works below…