And end of an era. My time with Sourcetoad is coming to a close.

My time is soon coming to an end with the Sourcetoad team. It has been an amazing four years. From scruffy startup to respectable dev…

Tutorial: Using Docker_Puppeteer_Jest to execute a headless Chrome End-to-End (user/acceptance) testing suites.

The problem: We know that unit testing is an essential part of software engineering (at least we should all know that). Integration testing assure us…

Are you like me and dislike large container images? Checkout this article from

TL;DR: The base image in your Dockerfile’s FROM statement can be a 10x difference in the size of your images. Bigger images === longer time…

Yii2 2.0.14 released; bringing with it some excellent changes.

The Yii2 team has release the latest version of the Yii2 framework. With it comes improvements in the following (but not limited to) areas: Scalability…

I dont often post about design tools, but when I do…

…I insist, as part of an everyday workflow, business and designers PLEASE use some mock / prototyping tooling. For the love of all that is…

My presentation at SunshinePHP 2018:

Here at SunshinePHP 2017 I did a presentation on automating the code QA process. Find the slides here:

RE-post: My personal experience migrating a module rom Yii1.x to Yii2.x

(Originally posted on the Sourcetoad Blog circa 20015) Yii is an amazing framework. As it has been iterated on version 2 is now out and…

Find yourself doing the same steps starting many projects? Check this out. has released a PHP project starter template with a nicely put together  setup. Composer, Travis, PHP Mess Detector, etc. If you find yourself doing…

PHPSTorm, once again showing why it’s the best PHP Editor.

EAP 2018.1 will include loop refactoring to use SPL array_* functions. Nice!

Uncle Bob sage words once again, still valid no matter where or when.   Watch these 9 short videos; take them in, live them, be them.