AWS & Terraform

How to: AWS Service Endpoint for S3 / DynamoDB

This Again? A few months back I published an article reviewing the different ways to pass traffic between a Lambda in a private subnet and…
AWS & Terraform

How to: AWS Service Endpoints via Terraform for fun and profit

Recently I found myself designing a system that had AWS Lambda functions inside a private VPC. But I needed to pass a payload from the…

FIX: Terraform "Error: Run variables are currently not supported"

Recently I had to create a new workspace on an existing project to test some new functionality. So I create the workspace and run the…

How To: Database clustering with MariaDB and Galera.

The Situation MariaDB, a fork of MySQL, has had multi-master clustering support from the the initial version 10 release. However, the more recent releases have…

How-to: Easily update MariaDB from 10.0 onward on Cent OS 7

The Situation Recently I had to update the database services in an number of environments. The reasons were the typical ones: performance, bug fixes, keeping-up-with-the-jones,…

Opinion: Bad pay-wall implementations and how to get around them.

Like ’em or hate ’em paywalls have been around since the early days of the web. And from the business perspective I fully understand why…

How to: Delete a stubborn Kubernetes namespaces.

The Situation Recently I was introduced to a new project. The getting started documentation was decent and I was able to get the project started…

Trial: 30 days with VueJs

Is VueJS worther your time? Like any other tech, tool it depends on the problem at hand. Read on to see if vueJS is the…

Intro: k3s, a less needy Kubernetes.

What is all this? The official documentation states “…k3s is a intended to be a fully compliant production-grade Kubernetes distribution with [the following] changes…”. But…

Intro: Hashicorp `Packer`

The problem space… In today’s modern application development process an applications has many homes. Local development, (docker) containers, on premise Linux servers, maybe even Unix…