Tag: security

Release: OptOut of data gathering used to AI/ML by AWS
In response to an article published by Corey Quinn coupled with my personal dislike of big-corps using my action to profit I put together a…

SolarWinds and CISO get sued for fraud; C-suite finally being held responsible? Maybe, but dont hold your breath.
We all remember the clown show that was the SolarWinds disclosure of concerning the Sunburst comprimise. Now the SEC is sueing both the organization AND…

AWS announces the ability for different user/pass from Amazon.com
Got this email less than 30 minutes ago; hopefully this is the first in many step to separate AWS and Amazon operations entirely.

Goodbye LastPass; Hello BitWarden.
The password manager service LastPass has had a rough go of it lately. The breaches in the closing months of last year has shaken confidence…

PSA: .git directory should not be public.
Ideally the .git directory is not in production to begin with. as it is not needed to run an application. However, many deployment strategies use…

PHP 5 End of Life is upon us; why you should care.
PHP 5 is reaching end of life. Find out what this means to you and your organization if you rely on a PHP 5 application…