Category: Cloud Computing

Set up WordPress using Ansible and Terraform
Create a Wordpress server in minutes using Ansible and Terraform.

Just how effective is web server caching? Very.
Learn how to setup a high load CMS for less than the cost of lunch.

CloudWatch Agent on Lightsail
Lightsail is an affordable low barrier VPS service from AWS; but it lacks proper monitoring and metrics. Herein read how to use CloudWatch with Lightsail…

‘SpotInst’; use EC2 instance types dynamically to save money.
Save money, use more spot instances.

Achievement Unlocked! All AWS Associate + Practitioner Certifications obtained.
In a little a year I have been able to take and pass all 3 associate + practitioner certifications from AWS. Here are my thoughts…

All-Day-DevOps: A free day long virtual conference.
Alldaydevops is presenting a day long virtual conference today.

Migrating from AWS EC2 to AWS Lightsail.
Migrating a Wordpress App from EC2 to Lightsail for cost savings.

The case against Terraform to prevent vendor lock-in.
While I like Terraform, using it to prevent vendor lock in is bul***it; The belief of preventing vendor lock in is a false promise of…

Achievement Unlocked: AWS Certified Developer Assoc. (DA)
After many months of delay and procrastination I finally scheduled to sit the AWS Developer Assoc. exam. I was passing the practice exams from…
PHP serverless abstraction framework…
…as serverless architecture picks up steam in the market I predict we will see more and more languages adopting it; is not whole sale from…