container yard

A Practical Example of Container Portability: DynaTrace ActiveGate in AWS ECS

Pre-Flight General Knowledge Requirements The Problem The Workload Scope While containers may be portable; orchestration feature coverage varies widely. For brevity this topic is out…

Companies need to stop abusing the Open Source Community

Atlassian, Docker, Hashicorp, Mongo, Redis, and the list goes on, all abusing the open source community to gain market share then rug-pulls a license change…

How to shrink your Docker images.

Docker Images, everyone says smaller is better but how do you do this but still maintain functionality and debugging ability? Well, here is how I did…

Neat short Docker intro including making a JS application

Over at they did a nice write up on the basics of Docker Images, Compose and setting up a basic NodeJs app. Check it out at .

Tutorial: Using Docker_Puppeteer_Jest to execute a headless Chrome End-to-End (user/acceptance) testing suites.

The problem: We know that unit testing is an essential part of software engineering (at least we should all know that). Integration testing assure us…

Run your End-to-End tests using headless Chrome; Docker_Puppeteer_Jest Docker Image is announced!

About a year ago myself and @ibotpeaces sat down for a couple hours to to put together a docker images with headless Chrome that we…