RDS Custom for SQL Server now supports Local Time Zones… but why would you want to?

After over two decades in tech. I have learned there are three things you never, ever, ever want to mess with short of research or…

Using YAML aliases to DRY your configurations

When projects reach any level of complexity the ability to change the projects configuration arises. Often YAML is used as a human and machine readable…
AWS EC2 + S3

Mounting non us-east-1 AWS based S3 bucket into an EC2 instance

The Problem AWS S3 is a global service for storing block data; however, when using a bucket as a file system is can be confusing…

Proposal: CI, CD -> CI, CD, CR

In the realm of software development it is impossible to go a week without heard about CI/CD. At a high level the concept of continuous…

AWS announces the ability for different user/pass from

Got this email less than 30 minutes ago; hopefully this is the first in many step to separate AWS and Amazon operations entirely.

Re-post: The YAML document from hell.

Re-posting an article by Ruud van Asseldonk discussing the pitfalls of YAML. For what it is worth, I am firmly on team extend JSON with…

Goodbye LastPass; Hello BitWarden.

The password manager service LastPass has had a rough go of it lately. The breaches in the closing months of last year has shaken confidence…

`DevOps is a failure` by Lee Briggs

A brief article regarding the failure of DevOps; with an offering of a new, more focused, replacement.

Is Swoole the best of both worlds? Golang inspired PHP server with coroutine, channels, defer, et al.

These days async programming is all the rage. It is no surprise when a language community publishes another library or runtime to support the async…