Tag: devops

Using `shellcheck` to lint your bash/sh scripts.
Being involved in technology, specifically web, it does not take long we have to write a bash (or shell) script.

How to use Golang’s “go get” from behind a proxy.
How to use Golang's "go get" from behind a proxy.

What’s the difference: A/B Testing VS Blue/Green Deployment?
In today's technology world many words and phrases come and go and even change meaning depending on the context. In this article we look at…

Is HTTP/2 really worth it?
Just how much performance does HTTP2 offer? Like many other things in technology; it depends. Rea on to learn the benefits and pitfalls of using…

Passing Data Into Gatling from the Command Line
Passing data into a Gatling load simulation is super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Set up WordPress using Ansible and Terraform
Create a Wordpress server in minutes using Ansible and Terraform.

Just how effective is web server caching? Very.
Learn how to setup a high load CMS for less than the cost of lunch.

What’s the difference: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment.
DevOps has a bunch of terms, many of which are mixed up, misused, or just plain wrongly defined. Here we break down three of the…

All-Day-DevOps: A free day long virtual conference.
Alldaydevops is presenting a day long virtual conference today.