Achievement Unlocked! All AWS Associate + Practitioner Certifications obtained.

In a little a year I have been able to take and pass all 3 associate + practitioner certifications from AWS. Here are my thoughts…

The case against Terraform to prevent vendor lock-in.

While I like Terraform, using it to prevent vendor lock in is bul***it; The belief of preventing vendor lock in is a false promise of…

Achievement Unlocked: AWS Certified Developer Assoc. (DA)

After many months of delay and procrastination I finally scheduled to sit the AWS Developer Assoc. exam. I was passing the practice exams from…

PHP serverless abstraction framework…

…as serverless architecture picks up steam in the market I predict we will see more and more languages adopting it; is not whole sale from…

AWS Lambda internals

Ran and Nitzan over at epsagon did a two part article on Medium about  AWS Lambda and its internals / runtime environment. It is a pretty…

NoSQL search results in MICRO-seconds; via AWS’s new DynamoDB Accelerator.

If you have a noSQL data store and need the fast machine possible response time; check this out: Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) Regional Expansion “…Using…

Deleting an AWS API Gateway resource.

Because it is not well documented in the AWS docs herein is how you delete an AWS API Gateway resource. Click on the end point…

`Investigating AWS Pricing over Time` by Thomas Vachon

Over at stayclassyinternet Thomas did a write up on the AWS pricing over time; specifically focused on S3 as it has been a consistent service available…