Category: DevOps

What’s the difference: A/B Testing VS Blue/Green Deployment?
In today's technology world many words and phrases come and go and even change meaning depending on the context. In this article we look at…

Is HTTP/2 really worth it?
Just how much performance does HTTP2 offer? Like many other things in technology; it depends. Rea on to learn the benefits and pitfalls of using…

Set up WordPress using Ansible and Terraform
Create a Wordpress server in minutes using Ansible and Terraform.

Just how effective is web server caching? Very.
Learn how to setup a high load CMS for less than the cost of lunch.

CloudWatch Agent on Lightsail
Lightsail is an affordable low barrier VPS service from AWS; but it lacks proper monitoring and metrics. Herein read how to use CloudWatch with Lightsail…

What’s the difference: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment.
DevOps has a bunch of terms, many of which are mixed up, misused, or just plain wrongly defined. Here we break down three of the…

Testing 101 by Aly Sivji via
Testing 101 by Aly Sivji via

‘SpotInst’; use EC2 instance types dynamically to save money.
Save money, use more spot instances.

Run Linux GUI applications on Windows 10
Running Linux applications on Windows is now possible, including GUI based applications.

All-Day-DevOps: A free day long virtual conference.
Alldaydevops is presenting a day long virtual conference today.