
Another post about YAML

Looks like I am not the only one who finds YAMLs ideocracies painful. More and more I tend to lean on JSON or TOML. Unfortunately,…

Tofu is the future of Terraform

As the fall out from Hashicorp’s rug-pull of a license change to Terraform continues to unfold the community has done what many of us saw…

Companies need to stop abusing the Open Source Community

Atlassian, Docker, Hashicorp, Mongo, Redis, and the list goes on, all abusing the open source community to gain market share then rug-pulls a license change…

Postgres: The Graph Database You Didn’t Know You Had

by Dylan Paulus SQL engines and RDBMS are a battle tested, tried and true core technology of nearly every application. NoSQL for locally run applications,…
AWS EC2 + S3

Bye bye s3fs-fuse, hello S3 Mountpoint

AWS recently released Mount point for S3 into general availability. The TL;DR is the ability to mount an S3 bucket as a Linux volume. In…

RDS Custom for SQL Server now supports Local Time Zones… but why would you want to?

After over two decades in tech. I have learned there are three things you never, ever, ever want to mess with short of research or…

Using YAML aliases to DRY your configurations

When projects reach any level of complexity the ability to change the projects configuration arises. Often YAML is used as a human and machine readable…
AWS EC2 + S3

Mounting non us-east-1 AWS based S3 bucket into an EC2 instance

The Problem AWS S3 is a global service for storing block data; however, when using a bucket as a file system is can be confusing…

Proposal: CI, CD -> CI, CD, CR

In the realm of software development it is impossible to go a week without heard about CI/CD. At a high level the concept of continuous…

AWS announces the ability for different user/pass from Amazon.com

Got this email less than 30 minutes ago; hopefully this is the first in many step to separate AWS and Amazon operations entirely.